Health and comfort
Concerned about the health and comfort of our companions, we chose to use a "memory foam" for the central mattress: a high-quality product composed of a layer of heat-sensitive viscoelastic foam.
The technology is recommended by the medical profession for humans, so why not offer it to your companions?

You will offer them extreme comfort and quality sleep!
This material reacts to the heat of the body and softens gradually to adapt to the morphology, matching the animal’s contours for an surrounding effect which smooths movements. It is called "memory of form" as it quickly returns to its initial form at the slightest change of position of the sleeper, before re-adapting to a new position.
It gives a pleasant feeling of lightness, reduces tension and repairs the pressure points of the body in a more balanced way which ensures optimum anatomical support in any position. It offers optimal pressure distribution to relieve painful areas for faster and more effective muscle relaxation.
It is therefore ideal for older animals or those suffering from back, hip or joint problems and it is also a very good prevention for the youngest.

Technical details

The structure of this foam is open-celled, therefore breathable: this allows the free circulation of air, prevents moisture and regulates the temperature.
All foams that we use are certified CERTIPUR. This label certifies that no substances likely to harm the health or the environment are used.

For absolute comfort and a better hold over time, we have associated memory foam with EL28 polyurethane foam on the lower part. It is solid but flexible and forms a support base to avoid deformation.